Picture rewards

If you always have your camera attached to your arm, sometimes you can be rewarded with a nice picture or two:


It hovered just a couple of feet from me for about 15 seconds and let me take a dozen pictures. Judging from its behavior, this is either a female or juvenile Anna’s hummingbird (Calypte anna). Considering that it hovered just feet from me for so long, I would guess a juvenile that doesn’t know any better yet. 😃

Anna’s hummingbirds like to hover while they are gathering nectar or catching insects. If your garden is like mine and has lots of spider webs, you can watch them pluck spiders out of the webs. I’m still trying to get that picture. Now that I have a 600mm lens, maybe soon!

These two pictures had a shutter speed of 1/640 second. Just how fast a shutter speed do I need to get rid of the motion blur in the wings? I kind of admit, though, that I like the motion blur.


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